
Setup of the Document Management feature of Dynamics 365 within just a few minutes

Written by Cagdas Davulcu | 09 Nov 2022

You want to store the documents from Dynamics 365 in SharePoint and you are looking for an example of how to set up the Standard Document Management feature in Dynamics 365 correctly? In this article, we will show you what steps the setup of the standard feature consists of and what you need to pay attention to before and during the setup.

The need to activate the Document Management feature of Dynamics 365 often starts when someone from your organization heard something about the feature and asked you to quickly activate it.

In this article, we'll describe precisely what setting up the Dynamics 365 and SharePoint integration looks like. Dynamics 365 and SharePoint integration is also referred to as "server-based SharePoint integration."

This article is designed for Dynamics 365 and SharePoint Online integration.

Definition Dynamics Integration 

Dynamics Integration is the creation of an interface between Dynamics as a CRM tool and a specialized document management system. How exactly such an interface can look like and how you can use Microsoft's standard integration, we want to introduce to you in this article.

Purpose of a Dynamics Integration 

Often, the maintenance of business relationships generates large volumes of customer-specific documents that need to be managed, stored and archived. Especially with large data volumes, it quickly becomes impossible to take care of the maintenance of these documents manually. Automated solutions that create an associated folder for document creation directly when a new D365 entry is created are much more efficient. Simply put, a Dynamics integration serves to automate your business processes around your data management to a large extent, so that your employees can take care of your core business. You can map different business scenarios with the Dynamics 365 integration.